From: John Smith on Jul 23, 11:38 am
[ on Night School ]
Trust me, there are no "stupid people" in the class I will be
instructing this fall... "C++", well, they are all gone by the end of
the first quiz, at the latest...
You are a TOUGH instructor! Not letting students get a B,
making them settle for a C++....... :-)
I think you should insert at least one class on the morse code.
That's the state-of-the-art communications code first used in
1844 and again in 1896 at the first demonstrations of radio as
a communications means! "Tradition" and all that... :-)
For the geeks, there is Fortran IV. For the get-ahead-in-
business types, Cobol. For the girlie-men, Lisp. :-)
Then there's Bentley's Commercial Codes, a superencipherment
on top of morse code, several of the bringers
of the "five-letter-group" concept for a telegraphic "word."
By the time you get to DES you will have everyone primed for
NSA and CIA and DIA. But, FIRST, they ALL have to do the
morse CODE! Muy importante!
bit bit
[a former voting member of the ACM]