On 23 Jul 2005 19:28:34 GMT, "-=jd=-"
Ha! Aren’t you the optimistic one to claim ignorance on anyone else’s
behalf! As far as I am aware, they (CIA) did not “refer charges” (You’re
probably a cop-show fan, judging by your lingo). It is my understanding
that they requested an investigation into the matter. No more, no less.
After that request was made, the agency is “hands-off”. The results of the
DOJ’s investigation will determine if federal law was violated and/or if
the agency needs to tighten up it’s policies & procedures, or patch a loop-
hole, or if nothing afoul of the law took place at all. Let me go ahead and
make a prediction on *your* reaction, regardless of the outcome:
If the DOJ finds no federal law violated, no impropriety -OR- finds the
media at fault for the ruckus, you will scream that the investigation was
rigged and was actually a massive conspiracy led by Bush to prevent Bush
(himself) from being impeached, indicted, tarred, feathered, whatever.
However, if the DOJ investigation finds federal law *was* violated and an
indictment is sought against some Bush administration staffer, you will
scream that the investigation was rigged and was actually a massive
conspiracy led by Bush to prevent Bush (himself) from being impeached,
indicted, tarred, feathered, whatever.
You are too predictable...
There should be aCIA report outlining the damages caused by the
revelation. Since that report has not been ''leaked'' one must assume
that it makes the WH look worse than they already do.