G.T. Tyson wrote:
Salutations to all. I'm a newcomer to this newsgroup but I'm hoping
someone can give me a clue as to the relative worth of the following items:
1. One Gates M-4990 Frequency Monitor. Unit looks to be late-50's or
early-60's vintage, used at a station broadcasting on 930 khz.
Gray steel cabinet, tube circuitry.
2. Two McMartin TN-77CB FM subcarrier recievers. These were placed in
stores and restaurants who subscribed to the station's Muzak sub-
carrier. The station that originated the subcarrier broadcast on
93.3 mhz. Steel mesh cabinet with tube circuitry.
3. One McMartin LX-40A solid-state mixer-preamplifier, used for remote
broadcasts. Unit has 4 XLR mike plugs on back, with level controls
and a horizontal VU meter on front.
4. One Zercom Maxi-Two remote broadcast telephone interface. Unit
accepts two mikes via XLR plugs on rear with LED level indicator
and rotary dial on front. Headphone plugs, receptacle for 8 D
batteries and phone plug on rear. Solid state, probably used with
item #3 above.
5. One NAD AM/FM stereo tuner, used as an air monitor at the station
which used the aforementioned items. Linear scale dial, solid state.
(probably does not qualify as "vintage" but fully functional)
All items described above appear to be in working order. The tubes
light up and nothing smokes, which is as much testing as I've been
able to do with them. Somebody make an offer!
G.T. Tyson
Greenville NC