I agree, regulation is a given necessity and only a fool would have a
problem with it.
I just realized before everyone else (not really, people have been
screaming it from the tops of towers, for decades), there is a need to
give avg citizens a slice of bandwidth and communications here. If
not, the freebanders are going to be everywhere, it is going to be a
mess, and regulation impossible.
With sufficient bandwidth and access, they will all find it too easy
to conform and be good "responsible" citizens and won't be forced into
becoming "radio criminals." Besides, we have no room in our prisons
for these people and certainly not the money to imprison, abuse and
turn them into "real" criminals which will then endanger and kill us
and our families and friends.
Like I say, sheer logic just dictates no other course of action...
"Jim Hampton" wrote in message
Hello, John
Yep, and I'm gonna laugh my *ss off when they start using the FM
band (oh -
I forgot, they already are) and the AM band. I hope they clobber
your ball
game on dish network too 
The reality is that somehow there has to be some regulation. Ever
been on a
freeway and encountered some idiot (likely drunk) going the wrong
Heck, if it gets bad, I can handle it. It isn't the number of guns
have, it's who you shoot.
25 feet of bell wire on a spark plug to a lawn mower will kill the
running 25 kw screaming "audiooooo....". If he can't hear 'em, he
work 'em.
That is just a very simple "for openers".
I've got more twists than a snake, but hope I'll not need them
I mention only the obvious; I'll not reveal the really nasty stuff
that is
hard to track ..... pins in coax doesn't count; too simple.
Bring 'em on!!!! ROTFLMAO
73 from Rochester, NY
"John Smith" wrote in message
Yeah, kinda like the fall of the "Berlin Wall", all at once and
surprising, at least to those hams caught sleeping, huh?
"loray" wrote in message
My qth is Bowling Green KY.
Been monitoring hf freqs today, since sunrise. Observed
6670 khz, three guys talking about truck driving and where
they will stop next, type stuff they carrying, etc.
14178 khz, man & woman, never gave a call sign, talked
over a hour, used cb slang, set sked for tonight.
28422 khz, two guys talking about how code not needed for a
ham license anymore, never gave call signs, sounded like
freebanders. Said they were starting a net on this freq.
Above sampling would tend to indicate ham bands are being
invaded, and the 6 mhz stuff tells me there is little or no
enforcement going on.