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Old March 3rd 04, 07:41 PM
Posts: n/a

I had a HW 101, sold it to my brother, to get a Kenwood TS440 S-AT. While
I'm not going to say the Kenwood is a bad radio, it isn't.. I love the audio
of the "tube" rigs. The glow and so on, seems to add a bit of nostalgia. As
soon as I get a chance, I'm going to buy another HW 101 to put back on my

FWIW - here is a cure I came across once with my HW101. After warm up, as
the set was being used, the bands (all of them) would drop out starting at
the low end of the dial. Since I operated mostly on 10 meters, it took time
for it to get to that frequency from the low end, to drop out. The first
time it dropped out, I had no clue why. I turned it off, it cooled down, set
was ok til warmed up again. I checked all the bands to find out what all was
going on. I figured it had to be in the VFO. I took the VFO cage off and
there was a resistor just barely touching the chassis with it's lead. I bent
it away from the chassis and that cured the problem. It's kind of weird how
or why it happened and when. I bought the rig used and used it for a year
before that started. It wasn't bumped around alot either, as I kept it on my
desk. Weird...... CL

"Joe" wrote in message
I use a HW-101 alot. After 5-10 minutes of warm up not a problem.
For the price and being able to fix it, IMHO good rig for general rag

"-Rev Jones" wrote in message
there are six added switches on the front panel of the second

Forget it at best, they are good for CAW.
The VFW's on those are to mechanically and electronically unstable.
If you want a Heath go for the SB-101 with a TRW built LMO

"Ray Collins" *remove wrote in message
I just received a second one off E-Bay. The first one has some

looks good but wired badly, audio hum, but no signal . The wiring is
immaculate on the second one, the guy did a really nice job. Now the
problem, there are six added switches on the front panel of the second
one. Looks like W9NJG built it as his call and SS number are
ingraved. I doubt if he performed the mods. Big resistor network for

dummy load is mounted inside, added resistors.(in other words a mess)
Also a big muffin fan was added over the finals.

The mods are the problem anybody know what they would do? One is
labeled (in pencil) Lo Hi another has Spkr and I can't make out the
other side.

The quandry is which one to save?
