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Old July 24th 05, 05:38 AM
Posts: n/a

Telamon wrote:
In article .com,
Telamon wrote:

That depends on the core. Some are no good for 3 to 30 MHz.
TV operates at 50MHz.

Ventura, California
So people keeep telling me.
I have built many, around 30,of these little gems and they all
worked down to below MW with minimal losses. Read Mr Doty's
comments. They have all worked great from .5MHz to above
20MHz with every scalvaged TV core I have used. Perhaps I
have just been lucky, or maybe, just maybe for cores so small
loss are not as high as many people think.
I will include an observation from Mr Doty himself:"


Well then how many times am I going to have to tell you then is the
only question left.

All cores have a frequency response range. You have to pick an
appropriate one depending on where you intend it to operate. I have
come across ferrite cores that are worthless 10 MHz so it may work
well on the upper bands and poorly on the lower. You may not notice
this right off because evening and nigh time signals on the lower bands
generally have more signal power.

I believe you have some basic equipment so you can check it out.

I think you may have better luck in the power supply section of
equipment you are tearing apart for components. Specifically the EMI
section will likely have some common mode chokes that are designed to
operate over the short wave spectrum to suppress conductive noise.

TV RF ferrites are designed for 50MHz to 500MHz or something along
lines and their response of some falls off on the low end so I don't
recommend using them unless you can test them.

You either need to know that the material is of a certain type or be
able to test it.

Ventura, California
OK I am trying to be polite.
There is already enough anger in the world.
But, this is getting silly, back in Nov 2001
this same thread came up and John Doty explained why,
for this application, with small TV cores, the ferrite type
didn't mater that much. He gave actual loss values.
Your response was:
From: Telamon
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 05:05:09 GMT
Subject: 4.1 Balun

In article ,
"John Doty" wrote:

In article om,
"Telamon" wrote:

I've kept my mouth shut about magnetic core material for a long while
now. At some point people in this group need to understand that if the
wrong material is chosen these RF transformers will not work right.

Most do not realize this due to the fact that they generally wind them

I generally wind mine with separate windings, not bifilar.

In addition (at the frequencies of interest) they are not getting the
inductance they think they are achieving.

Since I measure the characteristics of my transformers, I'm sure that I


My post was directed at discussions about this topic in general in this
group and was not directed at you.

At the risk of repeating the obvious:
John Doty Nov 13 2001, 12:14 am show options
From: "John Doty" - Find messages by this author
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 18:14:17 +0500
Local: Mon,Nov 12 2001 2:14 pm
Subject: 4.1 Balun

In article om,

"Telamon" wrote:
I've kept my mouth shut about magnetic core material for a long while
now. At some point people in this group need to understand that if the
wrong material is chosen these RF transformers will not work right.

Most do not realize this due to the fact that they generally wind them

I generally wind mine with separate windings, not bifilar.

In addition (at the frequencies of interest) they are not getting the
inductance they think they are achieving.

Since I measure the characteristics of my transformers, I'm sure that I

Go here g.htm

"Material #06, red/gray color (=B5 A Carbonyl 'E' iron powder material
having high volume resistivity. Offers high 'Q' for the 2 MHz to 30
MHz. frequency range. "

High Q is of little use in a broadband transformer. Q refers to the
efficiency with which stored energy may be recovered, but you don't
want a
broadband transformer to *store* energy, you want it to transfer the
energy without storing it.

The virtue you want in a broadband transformer core is a high
permeability-frequency product f*mu. This maximizes the magnetizing
impedance for a given core size, minimizing the stored energy for a
applied voltage.

The classic material choice for broadband transformers at HF and above
type 43 ferrite, whose f*mu is about 2700 at 3 MHz, rising to 10000 at
MHz. Above 30 MHz, f*mu is approximately constant with this material.
TV transformers I've tested use a material similar to this. Materials
high f*mu are generally pretty lossy, but in a well designed broadband
transformer little energy actually enters the core material, so little

On the other hand, your #6 iron material has a permeability of only 8.
While its permeability probably doesn't decrease much with frequency
(unlike ferrite), this stuff still has a f*mu of only 24 at 3 MHz, and
at 30 MHz. This is a very poor choice for a broadband transformer core.
broadband transformer using a #6 core will need 6-10 times as much wire
a similar transformer using a #43 core. Wire length is directly related
leakage inductance and parasitic capacitance, the main factors limiting
high frequency performance of this sort of transformer.

There is a price to be paid by separating the windings and that will be
a reduced transfer of desired signal energy. You can of course wind the
transformer bi-filar and still get the benefit of using the right core

Bifilar windings are mainly an antidote to leakage inductance. For a
amount of wire on a high mu core, leakage inductance is negligible
so bifilar windings have little advantage.

There is no "right" amount of turns for a broad band transformer
because the frequency range of short wave is so large. You would pick a
center frequency of a range of frequencies you want the transformer to
operate over and use that in your calculations for inductive reactance.

What's the "center frequency" of a 100 kHz-30 MHz transformer? For a
conventional inductive transformer, a more workable approach is to
a core that gives you adequate magnetizing inductance at your low
frequencies while using less than 5% of a wavelength of wire at your
frequencies (rule of thumb for controlling leakage inductance and stray
capacitance). An example:

A BN-73-202 core needs about 4 cm/turn. 9:3 turns thus requires 48 cm
wire, or 4.8% of a wavelength at 30 MHz. The 3 turn secondary has about
uH magnetizing inductance, exceeding the impedance of 50 ohm coax above
100 kHz.

Running through the same procedure with your favorite #6 material, a
T-130-6 uses as much wire as the design above, but has a lower
limit of 90 MHz (*above* its upper limit of 30 MHz). Not an effective
design. You could improve it by using controlled impedance bifilar
(but that's a much trickier way to go).
John Doty
Please read the above repost as many times as you need
to understand the topic.
They work.

Every TV balun that I have tried has worked.

I have every reasond to expect every TV balun
core in the world to work. Theory is nice, but should
bow in the face of reality. I don't sell these things, I get
nothing out of these silly fights.

Have you ever built one?

If not, give it a try, and if it doesn't work flame away.

Do you remember the pointless flame war over "power dividers",
hybrids, or "passive multi set couplers? In your area of RF specialty
I am quite sure you know what you are toaling about, but as you
demonstrated in that thread you didn't ahve a friging clue what you
were talking about.
I will close this by reposting your comments from 20050427.
I am not claiming to be much of an expert in anything. I have
learned a few things over the years and based on my real world
experiences I will stand firm. Today I use Mini Circuit 9:! and 1:1
not because the TV cores didn't work, but because I can no longer
wind the damn things. Between my bad vision and stumbling
fingers it makes more sense for me to buy them. But the TV core
based units that I built still work, except for those destroyed by

Telamon Apr 27, 5:41 am
From: Telamon
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 04:41:35 GMT
Subject: Telamon please email me

In article ,
"Tom Holden" wrote:
I think you are both in violent agreement - 6dB loss means the output
over the input is 1/2 for voltage (constant impedance), 1/4 for
power. A resistive 2-way minimum loss splitter has 6dB loss; a
transformer 2-way splitter is 3dB.

I just calculated it and you are right Tom. I have been a real dufus
giving Terry a headache for nothing. I generally don't think in terms
power since I work with small signals.

The resistive splitter is burning half the power as the T types three
16.7 ohm resistors in series are 50 ohms.

Sorry about that Terry. Looks like your transformer type is more
efficient in its bandwidth than the resistive type. Since you measured
3=2E2 dB on the transformer type you are very close to the ideal splitter
and your measurement on the resistive is also correct at 6 dB so you
stop scratching you head now.

Ventura, California
Sorry for being rude, but I am sick and tired of you offereing
expert advice that is so clearly wrong, and that is clearly refuted
by people like John Doty who have a real knowledge of how
small cored ferrites behave at HF. Remember you can only
get away with this cheating by using very small cores. Anything
much over 38" and the magic quits and you must use the correct


I just calculated it a
nd you are right Tom. I have been a real dufus and
giving Terry a headache for nothing. I generally don't think in terms
power since I work with small signals.

The resistive splitter is burning half the power as the T types three
16.7 ohm resistors in series are 50 ohms.

Sorry about that Terry. Looks like your transformer type is more
efficient in its bandwidth than the resistive type. Since you measured
3=2E2 dB on the transformer type you are very close to the ideal splitter
and your measurement on the resistive is also correct at 6 dB so you
stop scratching you head now.
