Thread: R75 VS Sat800
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Old July 24th 05, 03:17 PM
Eric F. Richards
Posts: n/a

D Peter Maus wrote:

Instead superserving the one reviewer who had already
endorsed the radio as, 'the best shortwave receiver in the world,'
before the first prototype was built. Also something less than honest.


I know you don't like Larry Magne. I frankly don't care why -- we've
covered it repeatedly in email, so I don't think we need to go there

But if you claim he, or any other reviewer, called the Sat 800, quote,
"the best shortwave receiver in the world," unquote, you'd better be
able to back that up, chapter, verse, publication, page, etc.

That's way the hell over the line, Peter.

Eric F. Richards

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