Balanced vs. Unbalanced Tuner
I have decided to erect an 80 meter dipole at 70 feet fed with 450 or 600
ohm open wire, for use on ALL HF bands between 80 and 10 meters. Power
output will be 1000W CW and 1200W PEP.
(1) Which is the better setup and why: a Ten Tec 238B unbalanced tuner with
a DX Engineering 1:1 balun on antenna side of tuner OR a Palstar BT1500BAL
balanced tuner?
(2) Also, if I later decide to erect an inverted L for 160/80, can I use a
balanced tuner with a DX Engineering 1:1 balun put on antenna side of tuner,
but reversed in direction (converting unbalanced to balanced), or need I get
a different tuner?
(3) In a perfect world, I'd buy both tuners (one for balanced and one for
unbalanced), but I can't afford it. Also, if I go with the unbalanced tuner,
will the balun waste a ton of RF in heat and loss?
(4) I made a similar post on the Ten Tec List, and received lots of advice
on point designs, but not the COMPARISON data I was looking for that will
help me make the final decision to go with a balanced tuner vs an unbalanced
(with balun) tuner.
(5) I have plenty of room, would it make any difference if I put a 160 meter
dipole instead?
Thanks & 73,
Greg, N6GK