wrote in message
From: "Jim Hampton" on Sat 23 Jul 2005 23:04
Hello, John
Yep, and I'm gonna laugh my *ss off when they start using the FM band
(oh -
I forgot, they already are) and the AM band. I hope they clobber your
game on dish network too 
The reality is that somehow there has to be some regulation. Ever been on
freeway and encountered some idiot (likely drunk) going the wrong way?
Heck, if it gets bad, I can handle it. It isn't the number of guns you
have, it's who you shoot.
25 feet of bell wire on a spark plug to a lawn mower will kill the idiot
running 25 kw screaming "audiooooo....". If he can't hear 'em, he can't
work 'em.
Malicious interference to anyone is still malicious interference.
By the existing regulations. You are the one with the license
that can be pulled, NOT the "25 kw" freebander.
Where do you find this mythical freebander running TWENTY FIVE
KILOWATTS?!? [only in newsgroups is where...]
I don't know about 25 kw amps, but amps (leenyers) in the
5 kw to 10 kw range are in wide use and easily obtained.
Amps below 5 kw are as easily procured as just walking in
the store, paying for it and walking out. Now don't go getting
your ham op blood pressure up! Any amplifier should only
be used in a lawful manner and only when in full compliance
with the law and FCC rules & regulations. My point is the
illegal market has a glut of very high power amps. Buddy up
with some local cb-freeband ops, you can learn a lot they don't
teach in the schoolhouse.