FT-101 vs FT-301
Hi All,
I saw a FT-301 at the Milton hamfest this weekend for $150.00, while I
did not purchase it, I really liked the radio and owned a FT-101 back
between 83 and 90.
The FT-101 appears to get a better price, I wander why?
I searched the net for FT-301 material, no really a bunch unless I
missed it, which is so easy now with so much other junk appearing with
the hit.
Does the FT-101 do better on AM and convert to 11 meters better so they
get a fair price from the "freebanders" ? I need not see the 11 meter
position on the 301.
Is the 150.00 an acceptable amount?
Would enjoy the comments.
tnx de KJ4UO