From: hrh on Jul 24, 1:19 pm
wrote in message
From: "Jim Hampton" on Sat 23 Jul 2005 23:04
Where do you find this mythical freebander running TWENTY FIVE
KILOWATTS?!? [only in newsgroups is where...]
I don't know about 25 kw amps, but amps (leenyers) in the
5 kw to 10 kw range are in wide use and easily obtained.
PROVE IT. Show your work.
Amps below 5 kw are as easily procured as just walking in
the store, paying for it and walking out. Now don't go getting
your ham op blood pressure up! Any amplifier should only
be used in a lawful manner and only when in full compliance
with the law and FCC rules & regulations.
Okay, His Royal Highness, why haven't you REPORTED THIS to
the federal government?!?
My point is the
illegal market has a glut of very high power amps.
My point is that the Internet has a lot of bull**** on it,
everything from these mythical "25 KW 'leenyars'" to aliens
from outer space stored in "Area 51." Doesn't make it true.
If you ARE such a "good citizen," why haven't you DONE
anything about it? Present your evidence to the feds.
If you have any, besides a lot of wind and imagination.
It is the civic DUTY of all good citizens to report
infractions of the LAW. Are you a good citizen or just
another anony-mousie in a newsgroup shoveling BS?
Buddy up
with some local cb-freeband ops, you can learn a lot they don't
teach in the schoolhouse.
Royal Highness, I learned a LOT a LONG TIME ago and NOT in any
"schoolhouse" full of conspiracy theorists all trying to out-BS
the BSers. A very long time ago I learned to fire up HF
transmitters with outputs of 15 to 40 KW. Legally. Don't try
to foist off some anony-mousie "inside knowledge" on anyone
who has been IN the industry for a long time.
Go somewhere else where you think you can pull off a con on
some unsuspecting yokel, okay?