I saw a FT-301 at the Milton hamfest this weekend for $150.00, while I
did not purchase it, I really liked the radio and owned a FT-101 back
between 83 and 90.
The FT-101 appears to get a better price, I wander why?
Because it is an older radio, had far greater numbers produced, and
has tubes in the transmitter.
I searched the net for FT-301 material, no really a bunch unless I
missed it, which is so easy now with so much other junk appearing with
the hit.
I suspect there were far fewer FT-301's sold due, in part, because
their manufacturing period was considerably shorter than the FT-101.
Does the FT-101 do better on AM and convert to 11 meters better so they
get a fair price from the "freebanders" ? I need not see the 11 meter
position on the 301.
Is the 150.00 an acceptable amount?
My own opionions: The FT-301 is a great radio. It came in four
varieties: a 10 watt analog dial, a 100 watt analog dial, a 10 watt
digital display, and a 100 watt digital display. I have the 10 watt
analog dial model and still use it on occasion. It came out in 1975.
The only difference between the 10 watt and 100 watt model is a little
add-on amplifer on the back of the radio. A solid state PA still could
be added to my 10 watt radio if I had ever wanted. Unlike the FT-101,
the FT-301 is entirely solid state. It has one of the best receivers I
have ever used in radios of this vintage.... and the noise blanker on my
radio really worked well! I also am glad I got the analog dial model as
now I occasionaly see hams looking for hard to get parts to fix their
digital displays, which are tending to fail at this age. I can not
advise you on the AM capabilites. I have only used it AM few times over
the past 30 years and had no complaints about my audio at those few
times. (AM transmit power is limited to 25 watts on the 100 watt radio;
I forget what the AM power is on my 10 watt radio.) Also, yes, the FT-
301 had one optional band position for 11 meters, or whatever else you
I would say if the radio was clean and working well, the $150 price
would be a steal.... especially for the 100 watt model. But remember
what I said about the digital display.
Good luck.