an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
I have more "mind" behind the left eye than you do in the entire
cranial cavity, Markie.
then use it
I do.
then use the mind you claim to have
I do.
realy never seen any sign of it
That's because you have an English comprehension deficit.
But I have fun, too.
Rubbing your nose in your silliness is recreation. Not much
recreation, though, because you make this almost too easy!
then you admit to sadism again but you will not have the coarage to
admit your admission
It's not sadism.
There's nothing that I need the "coarage" to admit to.
That's why I won't let you lie uncontested.
no your obsesstion is why you keep this up
I see.
And what is the part that YOU keep up?
i defend myself from your attacks
as is my right
if you stopp attacking me I'll stop defending
There's no defense for devaintism and lying.
When you give up your deviance and apologize for and stop lying,
then things will get better. Until then, saddle up!
To the best of my knowledge, no one is there twisting your arm,
FORCING you to reply to a single word of this...
no you are harrassing me in other ways
I am not harrassing you.
You lie, I respond by showing your lies.
no one forcing you either
You finally got one right.
Then what "freuders" do you refer to?
you mostly
Then since you insist that I am one, please tell us what a
"freuder" is supposed to be...
one who keeps reffering to people genitals
What's "reffering"...?!?!
I looked up "freuder" in Websters and Funk & Wagnalls.
Your alleged definition is no where to be found.
when you carry on a multiyears feud over morse code basicaly
I'm not fueding over Morse Code.
yes you are
No I'm not.
I'm rubbing your nose in your on-line misbehaviour.
I've already stated that the FCC should just get it over with and
drop the tests. I did that a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time
ago, Markie, but you have been too busy making up "stalking" and
harrassing" allegations to see it.
You, Lennie and Brain may be...I'm just wating for the FCC to make
up my mind for me. I'm still proficient to about 35WPM...more in the
wow that is sick you are willing to allow the FCC to make up your mind
for you
you are much sicker than I ever thought
The REALLY sick aprt is that you are incapable of reading
But then it all just bears out my assertion on YOUR comprehension
You better do some history on where that all took place them look
up Winchester, TN on Mapquest.
TN KY and then the folks spread out over the state so they would not
kill each othe roff sounds about right to me
Then you're as ignorant of Southern history as you are Amateur
not at all the feuding families started in there backwoods and then
spread over the south to where they live now, rather like a cancer
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! FEUDING! So now you spell it right.
and you were too stupid to figure it out before
I was forcing you to slow down and spell a simple word correctly.
It worked.
It took me forever to get you to stop spelling "liar" as "leir" or
"lier"...Now you DO spell it "lair"...Still not right but at least
you're getting the letters right.
Progress, boyo...slow but sure.
You're obviously ill-prepared to discuss THAT issue too, Markie,
since the last "feud" in this area was between Federal and Confederate
nope more stevie stupidity
The Bakers and the whites are still feuding if more gentilly then
Nope. Not here.
And that's pretty ignorant.
not realy
Yes really. You obviously have no comprehension of where I am,
what the history is or what the current state of economy and lifestyle
I know the history of the south the north and the enitre country quite
No, you obviously don't.
I have seen the south but in the near current frame of time and over
the past
The south is like regions of the US fairly well devided, esp over race,
but class as well
Less so than the North. And I grew up in the North. (Still not
got tyhe clue, have you, Markie...?!?!
Yes, yes you are, Markie! Come out of your shell! Good step Boyo!
you are the obsessive compulsive
Nope. You are. You admitted it right there.
more lies Stevie boy
And now you've gone and backtracked from your admission...Guess we
have to withdraw the "Good step Boyo" and exchange it for a "Liar as
usual, Wimpo".
never made the admission so it was another of your lies
Not a lie.
You've done it.
Now DO something about your problem!
my problem is frankly you
Then you have a big problem. Because MY problem is you and your
nope my problem is a little boy in mans body who can't face facts, that
being yourself
I face lots of facts.
No "maybe" to it...
First being that you're an admitted sexual deviant and
untrustworthy liar (as if there was a TRUSTworthy liar...?!?!)
Absolutely true.
See! Faced right up to it!
Sure I did! Right there. You even quoted it!
Stop lying and making assinine accusations and your "problem" will
admitting at last to aid supresioon of disent
Wish I knew what that said...
then learn
I refuse the lobotomy, Boyo.
lets see I can ask you to grow up
I turn 50 in September, Markie...Already there.
so let your alleged mind get out the preteen years
your brain is stuck back in your preteen years
No, it's not.
you run around like a little boy screaming "he said a bad word"
Little boys run around "screaming" "he said a bad word" because
responsible adults try to teach impressionable children what the bad
words are.
Obviously you are not the product of responsible adults.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...I've got a few days off coming up...Maybe I'll do
just that....I've always wanted to see upstate Michigan...
more threats
Nope...just a whimful idea on how to spend a few days off.
more threats
more threats
yes indeed
and not even man enough to admit it
Admit what?
to making threats
What threats?
Steve, K4YZ