From your description, the two microphone leads are correctly connected =
(one to the ring and the other to the sleeve), but ground is connected =
to the wrong lead. In my opinion that is just a mistake.
I presume that the microphone cable is shielded. Looking at the jack, if =
the braid is connected to the ring, then the mistake is surely on the =
jack wiring. If the braid is connected to the sleeve, then the mistake =
is presumably on the internal microphone wiring.
Verifying whether PTT works on not would be another element to determine =
where the error actually is.
Tony, I0JX
"Mike Knudsen" ha scritto nel messaggio =
Is there an agreed-on way to wire a PTT mike to a "stereo" 3-conductor =
phone plug/jack? Based on past experience (KWM-2, NCX-3), I'd say it =
Sleeve (ground) -- common to mic audio and PTT switch
Tip (end) -- PTT switch, close switch to trip TX relay and transmit
Ring (middle of shaft) -- mic audio hot
However, I found a nice Shure PTT mike that's got the common ground to =
mic audio to Sleeve, and PTT to Tip. Should I rewire this beast, or =
is this
really the "standard"? Hard to imagine audio hot going to Sleeve, but =
Hope to reach a conscnsus before I repair the wires on my D-104, one =
of which
has broekn off. Thnx es 73, Mike K.
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