an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
In article
"N9OGL" wrote:
STEBIE, I'm 37 years old I don't need my parent's permission
to stay
up, secondly I live in a very big house, and I very seldom see
They don't get down to the basement much, with you living there,
right, Toadie?
More likely he's got them tied up in the basement and uses their
house and savings for whatever ungodly purposes he can dream up...
more libel stevie a good thing for your family you are poor
Where do you come up with this stuff, Markie?
Ten days ago you were insisting that I was "on the public dole" for
disability, and now you come up with this "you are poor" silliness?
I asked you several times where you came up with that "public
dole" thing and you never answered...THAT was "libel".
Steve, K4YZ