In article , "Antonio Vernucci"
From your description, the two microphone leads are correctly connected =
(one to the ring and the other to the sleeve), but ground is connected =
to the wrong lead. In my opinion that is just a mistake.
Yes. What it had was the audio shield and one PTT lead connected to the ring.
I moved those to the sleeve, put the hot audio on the ring, and left theother
PTT lead on the tip.
I presume that the microphone cable is shielded. Looking at the jack, if =
the braid is connected to the ring, then the mistake is surely on the =
jack wiring. If the braid is connected to the sleeve, then the mistake =
is presumably on the internal microphone wiring.
Yep, it was miswired at the plug (jack), not at the mic end.
Verifying whether PTT works on not would be another element to determine =
where the error actually is.
And now the PTT works fine in my Viking II, which a previous owner had added
PTT to. The audio also works hum-free, both in the Viking and the HX-50.
Now to figure how to get the HX-50 PTT to work by grounding one terminal --
appears not to want to work that way.
Tnx es 73 -- Mike K.
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