FCC proposes to drop CW requirement on HF
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July 26th 05, 01:58 AM
I AmnotGeorgeBush
Posts: n/a
Hmmm, Alcoholics Anonymous just ****ed ya
off, huh?
Impairment kicks in whenever you mention alcohol, I see. Continuing to
focus your energies on me can save a life by keeping you here and off
the road. Tell me about your friends and needs each week.
Well, remember, what steps there are to first
admit you have a bit of little problem:
1) Awareness that a problem exists.
Are you aware you have yet to correctly define what it was that started
this thread? You made a comment about "debate" and embarrassed yourself
by using insult as what you refer to as "debate". It really railed you,
as your preferred topic is suddenly myself with all your problems being
projected. So sorry to make you feel so small. Again,
2) Denial (wish to deny the problem)
3) Acceptance, and you begin attending your
4) Things start getting better.
We are all pulling for you buddy, 10-4?
Things have always been great in my life. I'm blessed. Luck of the Irish
and all that sort!
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