"Mike Knudsen" wrote in message
In article , (Scott Dorsey)
[...] I used to listen to WWVB on a huge old Navy regen RX (RAL or the
like?) and could get it day or night on a Sloper antenna. Nothing I own
now is
sensitive enough down there to pick it up. [...]
Be careful with this. I haev an ICOM 706 which I have been listening to
350kHz beacons and I suspect sensitivity is not an issue. The receive is
not selective enough to keep out much noise. Below about 200KHz I heae
locam AM broadcase stations. Some kind of IM or something. I want to build
some kind of a low / band pass filter to see if it makes a diff. The
specific antenna can also make a diff. I'm using a 40M dipole.
-- Regards,
Steve N, K,9;d, c. i My email has no u's.