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Old July 26th 05, 11:46 AM
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Default What The NPRM Isn't

I find it interesting to note what is *not* part of the NPRM, despite a
bunch of proposals that asked for changes beyond code testing:

- No change to the written tests at all

- No new entry-level license class

- No free upgrades or consolidations of existing licenses, except that
all Technicians will essentially become Tech Pluses (in privileges but
not in name).

- No "refarming" of subbands, nor expansion of license privileges
except the above-mentioned Techs-get-Tech-Plus-privileges change

And now the big one

- "Entry-level-licensd" hams (for lack of a better term that includes
Novices, Technicians and Tech Pluses) will still have
very limited HF privileges. Ironically, they will have only
Morse Code/CW on small segments of 80, 40 and 15 meters, plus
SSB and Morse Code/CW on a somewhat bigger slice of 10 meters.

No digital/data/image modes, no FM on HF at all - even though most of
those "entry-level-licensed" hams have all privileges above 50 MHz. No
access to five of the HF/MF bands at all.

Seems FCC went for "minimum change".

Is that the best we can do?

73 de Jim, N2EY
