wrote in message
I find it interesting to note what is *not* part of the NPRM, despite a
bunch of proposals that asked for changes beyond code testing:
- No change to the written tests at all
While I wish something had been included to keep the overall level of effort
up, this does not surprise me.
- No new entry-level license class
Here I happen to agree with the FCC's discussion. It's not needed as the
current entry requirements are not prohibitive.
- No free upgrades or consolidations of existing licenses, except that
all Technicians will essentially become Tech Pluses (in privileges but
not in name).
Are you sure of that? Originally, I thought so too but the wording of the
NPRM is not clear. It says no one will gain privileges and no one will lose
privileges. Perhaps the Tech with code (Tech Plus) will simply become a
closed class like Novice and Advanced. Personally, if their doing away with
the code, I think they might as well consolidate all Techs at the Tech Plus
privilege level.
- No "refarming" of subbands, nor expansion of license privileges
except the above-mentioned Techs-get-Tech-Plus-privileges change
The refarming of subbands is a separate issue and should be treated
separately. An expansion of privileges is not needed since the upgrade
route will be even easier.
And now the big one
- "Entry-level-licensd" hams (for lack of a better term that includes
Novices, Technicians and Tech Pluses) will still have
very limited HF privileges. Ironically, they will have only
Morse Code/CW on small segments of 80, 40 and 15 meters, plus
SSB and Morse Code/CW on a somewhat bigger slice of 10 meters.
No digital/data/image modes, no FM on HF at all - even though most of
those "entry-level-licensed" hams have all privileges above 50 MHz. No
access to five of the HF/MF bands at all.
Seems FCC went for "minimum change".
Here again, I agree with the FCC's discussion. They entry level hams can
gain all this by taking a simple written test to get their General ticket.
Besides these privileges make a nice incentive to upgrade.
Is that the best we can do?
Do we really need to do more on the code issue? There are already other
proposals around to address refarming, etc.
73 de Jim, N2EY
As I've stated before, I think it will become a defacto two license class
system. People will upgrade to General soon after passing their Tech test.
Personally, any Tech classes that I teach after the change goes through will
be a combo class. During the first half of the session, I'll teach the Tech
material and during the second half, the related General material. I will
actively encourage my students to go for General right from the get go.
Perhaps the FCC is wanting to see how this will go for a while and depending
on the results, reduce the number of classes to two.
Dee D. Flint, N8UZE