an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
where in the rules does it make that requirement?
You've GOT to be kidding...
not at all been asking that for months you never answer
Glad to prove you wrong again, Markie.
97.103 and 97.307, among others, require specification tolerances
be maintained.
There are others.
NOT giving up pointing out how Lennie Anderson tries to misdirect
and deceive on issues pertaining to Amateur Radio...
then get your facts straight
I do.
then try telling the turth if you know it
"the "turth"...?!?!
It's you and Lennie who have some situation awareness issues to
not realy
Absolutely "realy"
probeing another of lennies points for him
ctuuing stevie sexual stuff again
You're doing what? "ctuuing"...?!?!
but just typed adjacent keys on the keyboard
Which adjacent keys? You haven't corrected whatever error you
There's any number of idiotic mistakes you could have made.
Please show your work.
Steve, K4YZ