wrote in message
I find it interesting to note what is *not* part of the NPRM, despite a
bunch of proposals that asked for changes beyond code testing:
- No change to the written tests at all
The VEC organization has full authority to change written
tests (e.g. specific questions, subjects, etc) without any FCC
action needed. The NPRM specifically mentioned the
process is much quicker than rule making via the FCC.
- No new entry-level license class
- No free upgrades or consolidations of existing licenses, except that
all Technicians will essentially become Tech Pluses (in privileges but
not in name).
I'll have to read the NPRM again. I didn't come to that
conclusion myself.
- No "refarming" of subbands, nor expansion of license
privileges except the above-mentioned Techs-get-Tech-
Plus-privileges change
Didn't the FCC mention that was being considered under
different RMs?
And now the big one
- "Entry-level-licensd" hams (for lack of a better term that includes
Novices, Technicians and Tech Pluses) will still have
very limited HF privileges. Ironically, they will have only
Morse Code/CW on small segments of 80, 40 and 15 meters, plus
SSB and Morse Code/CW on a somewhat bigger slice of 10 meters.
No digital/data/image modes, no FM on HF at all - even though most of
those "entry-level-licensed" hams have all privileges above 50 MHz. No
access to five of the HF/MF bands at all.
Seems FCC went for "minimum change".
Seems that way to me too.
Is that the best we can do?
What else do you want?
Bill K2UNK