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Old July 26th 05, 06:54 PM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
Herb wrote:
"K4YZ" wrote in message

K4YZ a.k.a. the *least* credible source of information
on Usenet.

You're welcome to post any evidence that anything I said was
untrue or inappropriate, other than "because I said so", which is
pretty much stock-and-trade of the ToBraMarLen Quartet.

he and I for that matter lack the bandwidth to itemize all your unture
or esp inappropriate materail

What you lack is anything valid to submit as "inappropriate

just a few examples just from your titles

I Stand Corrected On N9OGL/KB9RQZ Wedding...It's N0IMD/KB9RQZ...

NOT "inappropriate".


since the sexuality of any the folks named is irrealavant to radio in
any form

Stevie sexaul rant cut

Obsessed Gay Lid

He is.

who is?

I was just quoting titles don't know who you were taking about

next prove it, the gay part

finaly even if true being gay is not relavant or aproprate content for
this newsgroup

If the Pope Had Met N9OGL, Would He Reconsider Abortion?

A question. Please not the use of a question mark at the end of
the sentence.

I just cut and pasted your words


Not inappropriate. cut

Entirely inappropriate

cut You are gay. cut

No I am bi but in either case Irrelavant

cutYou are a pagan.cut

true but irelavant

cut You claimed to
have been a draftee, and whether you care to admit to it or not,

cut you
ARE an idiot.

again irelavant even if true

KB9RQZ and N9OGL to WED..?!?!

Again...a question. cut

So what it is still inappropriate

cutYou two DO have soooooooooooooooooo much in
common. I am sure you'd be a cute couple...Couple of WHAT, I am not
sure, but cute nonetheless.

more inappropriate materail

Steve, K4YZ