Versus no antenna at all....probably just a tad if at all. (who knows
for certain)
Sounds to me like a UHF/VHF for line of site milcom.
Shortwave antennas tend to be much larger as a rule given the much
lower frequencies. (larger wavelengths)
On Thu, 04 Sep 2003 22:24:51 GMT, "Joe Strain"
12 foot Military Mast Kit . Comes with: three 47" long x 1 3/8" diameter
fiberglass mast sections, one 8" top mast section which holds two
horizontal aerial antennas and also has 16 feet of RG-58 coax with a
male BNC connection at the end, two 28" antenna elements that thread
to the top section, one guy ring with guy rope, three 9" stainless
steel stakes, one 27" long mast base which mounts directly into the
ground, and O.D. green carrying bag with handle. There is no indication
of a model number on the assembly. Excellent for field day or other
portable antenna use. 12 lbs sh. #MK-12, $
59.50 each;
2 for $99.50