Almost all 388's that've belonged to real people & used by real MIL
units have some minor mod(s), most of them useful. Ex: mine has the
old popular QST/Paul Lee product detector mod which is great & also
reversible if desired by an uptight homosexual person who doesn't like
enjoying a nice stable tube rcvr with good audio on SSB. Hard to know
what the added socket'd be for as it has it's stock connections for the
old TX/RX usuals. The orig handles wing outward, hard to imagine
others that fit the panel holes? Many, including mine, lack the top
cover. Might someone have stuffed a nice mechanical filter (J4) in it
too? (more bux) I love mine, so I want 7 million dollars to part with
it. :-) Maybe $300 is realistic for a quick dump with the chassis mod.