In article 6X84c.12172$mM.93168@attbi_s02, "William Warren"
I'm interested in Hammarlund's receivers, but I know very little about the
various models in between the HQ-129X and the HQ-110/170/180's that (I
thought) ended the line.
I wish someone would do a Hammarlund book, like what Chuck Dachis did for
Hallicrafters. Yes, the HQ-170/180 pretty much ended the line, along with the
Super Pro 600, though there was a solid-state HQ-215, that didn't look much
like a Hammarlund.
Is there a comprehensive list of the various Hammarlund models, showing
their capabilities, produciton dates, and specs?
I'm not looking for engineering drawings, but if some posts an HQ-150, I'd
like to know what it's capable of.
Your best bet is the book on all makes, "Shortwave Receiver Past & Present" by
Fred Osterman. It has a capsule history of all major makers and detailed
descriptions (features and tube lineup and functions) for every model. The
Hammarlund chapter is 12 pages. But the book covers only back to 1945.
For the HQ-120 and 129X, get "Communications Receivers: The Vacuum Tube Era" by
Raymond S. Moore. It's just as good in most ways, better in terms of odd
models, and goes back to 1932 (Comet Pro). 13 pages of Hammarlund.
Either book will give you frequency band coverage, dual conversion, selectivity
controls, and the like. Osterman's gives published specs like sensitivity.
National could use a good book too. Of course the above two books cover
National, Halli, etc. just as well as Hammers. --Mike K.
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