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Old July 28th 05, 12:41 AM
Posts: n/a

an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
hacking of stevie wasting of bandwidth

That's "Mark Morgan" for "censoring what I can't come up with a
reasonable answer For"

So, Markie...this makes twice in two weeks that you've accused me
of taking things that I haven't taken.

First you alledge that I am receivng public funds for "disability"
allegedging some impropriety.

that you were, I got that form your own emails to mails to me

Markie, Markie, Markie...

Out-and-out lying A G A I N......

I hung this carrot out in front of you to see if you'd pony-up the
true answer.

I guess you think I didn't see the posts here where Brain tried to
alledge that I am "on disability" and receiving "public support" abd
that you interacted with taht.

Only more proof that neither of you have the stones to own up to
your assertions with facts.

Then you claim I am "claiming glory" for a QSO I didn't make when
I clearly stated that I never made the contact from the git-go.

becuase by titling the post that way you did are are claiming that
glory falsely

No I wasn't. I identified an object. NO WHERE in that "title"
did I say, "I worked a crossband contact". I have done so in the
past...even been on the military side of the contacts (When "NZJ", MCAS
El Toro participated in the tests in the 80's...but not since...)

Where did you get the idea that I am on "the public dole" and why
do you continue to lie in the face of glaring evidence to the

from you of course, and no eveidence to the contary has been presented

Sure it has.

My name does not, nor has it ever, appeared on any public
assistance roles.

Nor did I claim any "glory" in pointing out that I receved a QSL
card for a contact that I clearly stated from the git-go was issued to
me in error.

Mark C Morgan is now, has been and in all likelyhood will forever
be an untrustworthy, lying punk.

Proven. Archived. In his own words.

Steve, K4YZ