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Old July 28th 05, 01:00 AM
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K4YZ wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
From: "K4YZ" - Find messages by this author
Date: 25 Jul 2005 14:11:04 -0700
Local: Mon,Jul 25 2005 3:11 pm
Subject: Markie Accuses Others Of Libel But Won't Answer Questions
About His Own Libel

an old friend wrote:
nothing but libel and lies form steve

You've yet to show where one line of libel has been written,

Not one.

and all of stevie truth is left above

While we're talking about "truth", Markie, where's the answers to
these questions?


Ten days ago you were insisting that I was "on the public dole" for
disability, and now you come up with this "you are poor" silliness?


So...where'd it come from, Markie, if not your imagination?

These weren't "transposed letters" on a keyboard.

Where'd you get such ideas?

Here's that this all came from, Markie:

K4YZ Jul 11, 8:00 am hide options

From: "K4YZ" - Find messages by this author
Date: 11 Jul 2005 07:00:53 -0700
Local: Mon,Jul 11 2005 8:00 am
Subject: Todd's Hero Backed Into Corner, Act's Like Caged Animal He
Is...K1MAN's Radio Days Numbered

an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
Lot's of snips to clip out most of Mark's sandlot one word
responses to lengthy reposts.
I've never spoke to him. Or did you travel back in time and
father yourself?
My father has read your words
I doubt it.

I am sure you do, OTOH that also has nothing to do with the turth

What's a "turth"..?!?! Some pagan worship idol?

get over your obsession with me

You flatter yourself, Markie.

You answer every word I post that is obsession

You don't pay attention. That's stupid.

and it is not flattery

It's flattery when you think that ANYONE needs to "earn" respect
with you.

hacking sexual coment
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Yep. You're lazy. You've been made to think that being "special"
is OK and that you don't have to try and overcome your deficits. It's
become too easy for you to be weak.

Stevie I am not the one taking money of the public dole and go off
pretending how macho i am

"Public dole"..?!?!

Public Dole is the correct phrase, guess you are to dumb to know what
it means, welfare queen is close being a person on the public dole

Who's on welfare? I'm certainly not.

You deny being on disability?


Whoever suggested that to you lied to you, Markie.

I am a wage earner. More than my fair share of 40 hours a week, I

might add.


So, Markie...this makes twice in two weeks that you've accused me
of taking things that I haven't taken.

your quote has nothing to do with the matter years ago you mentioned it
and now you deny it I simply don't beleive you in cahnging your story

First you alledge that I am receivng public funds for "disability"
allegedging some impropriety.

yes based on your statements in the past and present

your quote supports the impropriety, as in being able to work 40 hours
you clearly should not eleigble

I have no reason beyond your word that you are not double dipping, as a
point of fact I believe you are, I have not been bringing it up since
then since I don't think it that important, but since you insist I
think you are stealing for the govt monies you are not entitled to

That isn't libel BTW since I clearly state it is my opinion

Then you claim I am "claiming glory" for a QSO I didn't make when
I clearly stated that I never made the contact from the git-go.

are so you are

Where did you get the idea that I am on "the public dole" and why
do you continue to lie in the face of glaring evidence to the

You have presented NO eveidence to the contrary, none at all, Indeed I
don't think you or anyone could present any eveidence in this forum

I got the idea form your post of some 6 years ago, and emails you sent
in the same time frame

It is no lie when I state that I believe you are comitting fraud of
some Govt agency.

wether you are or not is another matter but that I have formed that
opinion is a fact

Steve, K4YZ