Hmmm, same thing on the trucker chan here (channel 17 in california). You can
always pick another quiet channel, and if you want to hear some
black/ethnic/ebonics, tune into channel 6--anywhere in the nation you can pick
'em up when the skip is in--most are multi-kilowatters.
Women, why some of those women ARE truckers, funny, I can tell the female
voices from the male--try listening closer...
Women, well, there are never enough women on the CB band, still, probably about
10 times the ratio of men-to-women which you find on the ham bands...
"Bark At The Moon" wrote in message
After listening to the CB band I've noticed that almost all CB on the
air arguments go something like this;
First they are almost always white male to white male arguments as
most females left the CB band by the late 1970s, and the black members
of the CB band tend to have better on the air etiquette.
Begin generic CB argument
White Male CB'er # 1: You're a queer. Suck my dick.
(CB'er # 1 doesn't seem to realize that by asking for oral sex from
another male he just admitted he is a homosexual, because a
heterosexual male would never ask another male for sex)
White Male CB'er # 2: Same basic insult with sex as a repeating
Insert the word **** or some derivative of the work **** every few
seconds. Also insert the words queer, homosexual, cock sucker, and
the like every few seconds. If you are in the Southeastern United
States add the phrase "****** lover"
White Male CB'er # 1 claims he will shut down the other CB'er with his
CB radio.
White Male CB'er #2 makes the same claim.
LOOP back to the first insult and continue until the cows come home.
I suspect the reason why stupid people can only muster insults of a
sexual nature is because they lack the talent, creativity, education,
or intelligence required to generate a more interesting argument.
; )