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Old July 28th 05, 06:11 AM
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an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

hacking sexual coment

Whcih is to say you "hacked" nothing. There was no "sexual coment"

"Public dole"..?!?!

Public Dole is the correct phrase, guess you are to dumb to know what
it means, welfare queen is close being a person on the public dole

Who's on welfare? I'm certainly not.

You deny being on disability?


Whoever suggested that to you lied to you, Markie.

I am a wage earner. More than my fair share of 40 hours a week, I

might add.


So, Markie...this makes twice in two weeks that you've accused me
of taking things that I haven't taken.

your quote has nothing to do with the matter years ago you mentioned it
and now you deny it I simply don't beleive you in cahnging your story

"cahngubg" THAT story? I've never claimed to be on disability, nor
id I was would I brag about it.

First you alledge that I am receivng public funds for "disability"
allegedging some impropriety.

yes based on your statements in the past and present

Based upon WHAT statements "in the past and present"...???

I've NEVER stated that I am on disability.

your quote supports the impropriety, as in being able to work 40 hours
you clearly should not eleigble

Supports WHAT impropriety?

I am working, ergo do NOT claim ANY "disability".

So from WHAT source did you glean this information?

I have no reason beyond your word that you are not double dipping, as a
point of fact I believe you are...(SNIP)

First of all, you obviously don't know what "double dipping" is.

(You screwed up "drafted", so why should I be surprised?)

"Double dipping", as it applies in COMMON vernacular, is a federal
retiree who completed one career-length period of employment,
"retired", then completes a second career-length period of employment,
thereby securing a second "retirement".

I have not been bringing it up since
then since I don't think it that important, but since you insist I
think you are stealing for the govt monies you are not entitled to

Then you've demonstrated what a COMPLETE idiot you are by making
such a statement without an iota of evidence.

That isn't libel BTW since I clearly state it is my opinion

yes it is, since you allege the perpetration of a felony without
evidence, opinion or not.

Then you claim I am "claiming glory" for a QSO I didn't make when
I clearly stated that I never made the contact from the git-go.

are so you are


Where did you get the idea that I am on "the public dole" and why
do you continue to lie in the face of glaring evidence to the

You have presented NO eveidence to the contrary, none at all, Indeed I
don't think you or anyone could present any eveidence in this forum

You're welcome to search my name and DOB on public files in the
State of Tennessee, Markie. The only "hit" you'll find are my driver's
license and Nursing license.

I got the idea form your post of some 6 years ago, and emails you sent
in the same time frame

I have never claimed drawing any disability pay,
Markie...ESPEICALLY in any alleged (ie: never happened) "e-mails".

Once again, you substantiate my claims of your lack of situational
awareness and attention to detail.

It is no lie when I state that I believe you are comitting fraud of
some Govt agency.

And it is no lie on MY part when I state that I believe you need
to be under the supervision of mental health case workers, or at the
very least a reputable vice cop.

wether you are or not is another matter but that I have formed that
opinion is a fact

You've broken new ground here, Markie. Looks like it't time to
have a chat with the folks at Houghton County SO. Someone up there
needs to know about you.

BTW...How did you manage to screw up your address change with the
FCC so badly? Geeze, Markie, how many time do you think it's necessary
to note "PO" box in the address line???


Steve, K4YZ