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Old September 7th 03, 06:06 PM
David Robbins
Posts: n/a

"Roger Adam" wrote in message
Hi all,

I've trying to rotate a 20M home made Magnetic loop using an old yaesu
rotator. Unforntunately, it hasn't got the manual or 5 core cable & the
two connecting plugs with it.

I also understand that although the rotator shaft goes around, the

pointer does not. (Possibly transistor drivers?)

I can't find any schematics on the 'net and was hoping that someone on

newsgroup might have some info that at least would let me connect up the
five wires to the connectors to check out its operation. I think other
models may be similar.

The rotator body has a seven pin plug and there's a six pin chassis

socket on the rear over the main controller unit.

Roger G7JAQ

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