Dr. Pepper:
Ham license? Well, that makes one a glorified CB'er now doesn't it?
I realize you think a ham ticket is some great accomplishment, something with
signifies that individual has some mental acuity or powers above mere mortals.
All that is, is a damn hobby license, get a clue.
If you expect a ham license to demand some type of respect for its'
possessor--you are sorely mistaken. Some complete ignorant jerks possess these
things. Get a MS or doctorate in a science of math field, that is what you
really need...
That is all I was pointing out, and the fact you don't seem to have a clue to
those facts...
"Dr.Ace - WH2T" wrote in message
John Wadd,
OK , here we go with the name calling.
I stated my opinion because I am a licensed amateur radio operator.
It looks like that makes one of us.
Since this is an amateur radio group and you are not a licensed amateur radio
operator, you are hereby kill filed on my computer.
Blow Away Johnny Wadd.
Ace - WH2T
"John Smith" wrote in message
Dr. Pepper:
Well, yes, you have a call sign in there, again, we are in agreement...
I am sure the others got the meaning of my post, makes me doubt you deserve
the "Dr." in front of you name...
"Dr.Ace - WH2T" wrote in message
I am not sure what you are trying to communicate in your last post.
I think I was rather clear in mine.
As you can see, I have a callsign.
Ace- WH2T
"John Smith" wrote in message
"Dr.Ace - WH2T" wrote in message
Since you don't use a callsign, I believe you are not a licensed amateur
radio operator.
I wonder why so many unlicensed people (mostly CB'ers) post their
opinions in Amateur Radio groups?
I believe that most licensed amateur radio operators, don't care what the
opinions of unlicensed people are about amateur radio. I know I don't
And as for the trolls who say "I don't use my callsign on the internet
because of privacy concerns", that's just another way of saying that they
are unlicensed CB'ers without a callsign.
The internet is big enough for all people to post their opinions. I am
sure there are many news groups dedicated to CB'ers. They should use them
instead of Amateur Radio groups.
Ace - WH2T