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Old July 31st 05, 03:57 AM
Jay in the Mojave
Posts: n/a

Hello Gary:

Ok good deal Gray will do..........

The TRW Swap Meet has been there since I can remember, a long time. I
started going in the 70's to 80's area in time. It is held the last
Saturday of the month come rain or shine.

It is located at the TRW Plant, and is held in a very large parking lot.
I thinks its in Manchester Ca, near the LAX Airport. I come in going
south on the 405 Freeway, getting off at Roseincrants, going west, then
turning left onto Aviation, at the big train bridge, then just follow
all the others with antennas on their cars.

Some guys complain that that they don't sell radio gear there anymore
being replaced by dealers selling computer stuff, games, and other none
radio related stuff. But there always good radio tuff there, always.

It was a mob there today, I got there at 7:30AM, driving for a couple of
hours. The Parking lot was never this full in a long long time. I had to
park about a 1/4 mile away from the SWap Meet Entrance, not to bad.

There a couple of vendors there selling Hot Dogs and Hamburgers, donuts,
pop corn, and whatever else you would want. I just get a cup of coffee.

Its always a a blast to go down with a bunch of guys in a large car of
truck, or even a van. Don't bother bring your HT it will be jammed, or
you will not be answered. The boys in the band will not allow you talk
or shoot skip, your attention will be with the group of rabid fellow
radio enthusiasts. A S.S.S.S. Trait, (Seven Six Secret Service)

Some have brought HT's to stay in touch, its a good idea if someone runs
into something were looking for.

Theres always something really old and neat to look at, or is brought to
show and share with everyone. They had this old WWII Direction Finder,
had a tri-pod, had bithched compass that indicated where the antenna
was pointed. And looked great. I wanted to have for a decoration in my
doorway coming into the house.

Many guys there have a little generator running so that the radio
equipment for sale can be checked out and verified thats its all working.

I always like seeing the guys cart off large transmitters, linear
amplifiers, parts and pieces, transformers and all that stuff. Some have
kids wagons that cart off the big stuff. You can drive up to the edge of
the swap meet to load up your heavy gear there pretty nice about that.
They even help ya load the heavy stuff on your truck.

The local Zoo repeater 147.435 is always a blast to listen to, while
looking over the goods of the swap meet. Some even talk there on the
output as not to miss anything being said on the repeater.

Some of the guys selling the stuff get mad at the guys who fondly there
equipment for sale. One vendor there had a can of spray disinfectant,
and put a label on it saying "For Fat hams that don't bath" I wish I had
a picture of that!

Everything I have bought there worked. Or if it was expensive they would
write a recite, and give you their business card, should there be any
problems. Good businessmen.

Then of course after a long day of looking over the tables and all the
stuff for sale, they close the swap meet at 11 AM, its time to hit the
local "Nice Restaurant" for a big TRW Swap Meet Breakfast, with all
those guys who have been jamming you all day long.

Sometimes the restaurant has to put tables together to seat us all,
again its a blast. Good thing that don't serve beer in the mornings.
After a power breakfast then its time for the what was bought and for
how munch. Then if you didn't find what you where looking for there is
always Juns, or HRO that we can go to get what is needed.

When you finally get home, its time to fire up what was bought and test
it out.

I have had many great times at the TRW Swap Meet.

Jay in the Mojave

Gary Danaher wrote:
For those of us not in LA, how about providing a thorough analysis of
the swap meet, including the exact location and time of operation, the
good stuff, the bad stuff, the weirdos, and the geeks. I grew up in the
city but haven't lived there for 30 years. Maybe one day I can get back
and tailor the trip around the meet. This is one of the longest standing
electronic meets in the nation.

Jay in the Mojave wrote:

Be Advised TRW Swap meet today.

BE THERE! Use the normal input and listing freq.....

Jay in the Mojave