Spike wrote:
Frank Turner-Smith G3VKI wrote:
PolyMouthth wrote:
crap snipped
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T'was on the good ship Beanus,
my God, you should have seen us.
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Wait a minute.
Wasn't this the chap who came on here threatening people with legal
action if they failed to preserve his anonymity?
And then went on to post a poem referring to himself, in which he was
addressed as 'Gareth', who seemed to live in Wiltshire, and seemed
know to the police?
Cor blimey, guv! You don't mean to say, nah I don't believe it, that
Polymoth is actually Airy R Bean, Gareth Evans himself?!
My God, I am shocked!
Who would have known! Thanks for bringing it to the attention of people on
the newsgroup who are parents and wish to protect their children from his
nasty cyberstalking and unhealthy interest in children tendancies etc.