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Old August 1st 05, 09:41 PM
an old friend
Posts: n/a

gee I should just cut out stvies rudeness would have nothing left
K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

Note the use of "flailing" in place of "failing" in Stebie's
sentence. A Freudian slip of his mirroring his own FLAILING
about when he says all disagreers "LIE, LIE, LIE!" :-)

He has a unique viewpoint.

And you don't?

of course he does, as do I, and len and todd, but of ocurse you have no
interest in those view points so flail against us us all

Sure I have an interest...even when it's a "different viewpoint".

no you don't you just start demeaning that we comply with your

Start demeaning what?

Or did you mean "demanding"...???

If you perceived something I said as "demeaning", it was probably
because I was responding to something that was so absolutley idiotic or
assinine that I had a hard time staying in the chair from laughing so

If you meant "demanding", you're more than welcome to pony-up a
quote of mine that substantiates your claim that I have DEMANDED

The PROBLEM is that you, Lennie, Brain and Toiddie have a unique
way of expressing those viewpoints.

and therein lies your problem Stevie, you see the facts we are are
defferent as a problem

Begin stevie tantrum

Oh, you're "defferent" alright.

I don't have a problem with DIFFERENT, Mark.


dfference is only allowed if it results in agreement with,

the above being one the most nonsenical statement I have ever typed,
unforunately it has the virtue of being completely true

I DO have a problem with intentionally mistruthful or deceitful.

with the represntation of a view different form your own you mean

Espeically Lennie.

"I don't like Morse Code testing because I think it's an
antiquated mode" is a valid and debatable point.

"Macho Morsemen are killing off the hobby with their luddite,
archaic demands" is a baldfaced lie and meant to do nothing more than
incite the very flames that it does.

it isn't a bald faced lie, it is an accurtate disription of a valid
point of view

begin trantrum number 2

No, it's a bald faced lie.

There are no "Macho Morsemen" holding ANYthing back.

sure are

relaince on Morse Hald back bring new folks in EME for example with
most of that world being unwilling to bother with other modes people
like myself are all but excluded

this but one example

Indeed you sent me an email fewyears back after CQ or was it CQ VHF
published a letter to that effect when I comented on the inapproateness
of talking about testing in the "VHF and up "

If there was, there never would have been the NCT or the present
"Kill Element 1" movement.

wrong that MM is the reason it was needed to to form and campaign for
the NCT The ARRL was opposed to NCT til it was done then tried to claim
it was all for it, that it has teken years to kill code testing is
another sign of the MMM hlding things back

Amateur Radio is more than 3 1/2 times bigger today than it was
when I was a Novice in 72. One can communicate around the world with
an NCT and an HT. We can communicate with the Space Station, any one

you over blow the abilites of the TCh and HT.

of 10-12 satellites, and we have HF radios smaller than a carton of
cigarettes where it once took a whole deskfull of gear to do the same

and what would we have had if the MMM had gotten on board and pushed
NCT sooner and welcomed new hams rather than bemoan them? I don't know
but it likely would have more

I agree that the Luddite rejection of change embodied by the clring to
more Code is an open wound in the Body of the ARS.

Read the above then try to realize why your statement is so

it isn't assine at all

Len statement is simply a colorful expression of that view

Lennie's statement is an anagonistic swipe at a subset of radio
communicators he doesn't like because at sometime in his past one of
them "diss'ed" him.

and contiue to diss him, and his rights you do so on a near daily basis
(you seem to be givng him break lately with me to pick on)

It has nothing to do with reality.

everything to do with it, you look on radio with blinders on and you
want to impose those blinders on the rest of us

So here's the challenge, Mark...

We just hit August of 2005 so I will use previous Augusts as the

Go find old copies of any Amateur Radio journal...Heck...take "CQ"
since it started in 1945...A nice round number of years (suggested
since Lennie will jump in about how the ARRL is hardly objective, etc
etc etc...)

That represents an even 60 years of Augusts.

I dare you to look back through all thos Augusts and then come
back here with a straight face and tell me about how Amateur Radio is
not "progressing".

no access

and what progress do you see, compared to world aorund us

Even better yet...Since Lennie's always harping about how Amateurs
are allegedly "stuck in the 30's", go ahead and stroll back through
QST's back to 1930. That now gives you SEVENTY FIVE Augusts to
establish trends with.

Now compare the technology, practices, modes, etc of August 1930
or 1945 with August of 2005, and THEN tell me how Lennie's accusations
of the immobility of Amateur Radio are true...?!?!

how many non ham stations are using vacumtube for any part of the

how many ham staions can't deal any modern digtial mode?

Good luck.

Steve, K4YZ