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Old August 2nd 05, 02:30 AM
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From: b.b. on Jul 31, 2:10 pm

From: "b.b." on Sun 31 Jul 2005 07:42
K4YZ wrote:
b.b. wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
b.b. wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

Merely a lack of concern for your demands.

More like a lack of interest in your own flailing character, Brain.

Steve's needs are not high on my priority list. He wishes it weren't

Tsk. I think Stebie thinks ALL should be concerned with Stebie's
demands! :-)

But we're not, so he bites his knuckle and thinks up new taunts and

All his knuckles are painful open wounds. No doubt he blames all
his own knuckle-biting on us...:-)

He is to be pitied.

Note the use of "flailing" in place of "failing" in Stebie's
sentence. A Freudian slip of his mirroring his own FLAILING
about when he says all disagreers "LIE, LIE, LIE!" :-)

He has a unique viewpoint.

[all from inside his own fevered imagination...]

Temper Fry.

Someday it will be worthy of study under the heading "Aberrant
Behavio[u]r." Until someone in the professional headspace business
seizes him, we have to deal with his rantings.

Aye, that be the cross we all must bear.

Tsk, if we could only pry Kellie away from his Navel Intelligence
job he could shoot THAT bear for us... :-)

He'd turn PETA before he shot that bear.

Yes, yes, yes. You are the way the truth and the light...


Not "my" truth...Just THE truth.

Like I said...

Stebie's posting sometimes read like "Watchtower" clone bad
copy stuff. :-)

Is "Watchtower" good science fiction?

No. It's not even a subject at the world's first (and still
oldest surviving) Science Fiction Writer's Association in
North Hollywood, CA.


Stebie's output is more like the 1930s "Big Lie" technique
used by the national socialist party of Germany at that time.
Publish enough of it, often enough, as widely as one can, and
some folks will begin to believe it. It's a common
psychological warfare technique used the world over.

And it's called Watchtower?

Stebie should have put His "truth" in quotation marks. Dat
stuff don't exist in reality.

"His Truth." "His Reality."

That kind of sums it up.

Yes, that's the essence of his output.

I'm just hoping he opens up a little about his "seven hostile actions"
so the Stolen Valor people set things straight.

Congratulations on your acheivement. I am in awe of your abilities.

"Chews gum and walks simultaneously, all the while being easily

Is Ripley's "Believe It Or Not" still published? If it is, we
ought to send Stebie's marvelous accomplishment to them for
wider distribution and acclaim!

Now that would be funny, but it might trigger an "episode."

ANY disagreement with Stebie WILL "trigger an episode."

His emotional state is that of a walking nitroglycerine vial.
Shake it slightly and it sets off an explosion.

They could make a movie.... "The Detonator!"

We don't continually embarass amateur radio and bring discredit upon
the Extra Class licensees the way you do. You should be proud of

I don't bring "discredit upon the Extra Class licensees", Brain.
If I bring any discredit, and I serious doubt it, it's just on me.

I think Steve took a quick glimpse of reality, then closed his eyes
tightly and went back to discrediting his fellow Extra's and his family

You hit that one "bang on", Brian. Very plausible. :-)

It's just better for everyone when he keeps his eyes shut. His
behavior is bizarre enough without him having to face reality.

We might have to bring back "Duck and Cover" drills...

Air raid sirens and all.

Brian, you are too subtle for Stebie. He failed to notice your
plural form of "yourselves" (as in reference to multiple
personalities). :-)

He's not very bright.

Plus a barbarian emotional mentality...resorts to brute force
whenever challenged in the slightest. Tsk, brute force doesn't
work in an enviornnment where it is impossible to really reach
out and hit anyone. He implies "threats" of coming to various
challengers' residence areas as a surrogate, that nothing more
than bullying taunts.

I'm not so sure they are taunts.

Welp, Stebie has just admitted to hypocrisy. It used to was that
anyone talking back to Stebie "HATED ALL HAM RADIO!" Now Stebie
admits he is only "representing" HIMSELF (and all his personalities
of course). There's a tiny promise for optimists there. :-)

I'm optimistic about many things, but Steve is not one of them.

Tsk, I'm getting the same way.

It's remarkable that his "fellows" and "peers" in here (extras
all of them) all seem to condone his actions denigrating the
spirit, cameraderie, and "propensity for international good
will" (FCC phrase) of the amateur radio service. He's a poster
boy of what NOT to be in the amateur radio hobby. But, he IS
"federally qualified" to transmit RF on U.S. amateur radio
frequencies and has a certificate (suitable for framing)
attesting to that. After all, he thinks that OBTAINING THE
*LICENSE* is the most desireable attribute in U.S. ham radio.
He recently said so.

hic cup

They sit by silently. One day he will come for them.