Thread: WOR
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Old August 2nd 05, 04:21 AM
Posts: n/a

On 2 Aug 2005 01:09:59 GMT, " Radio Political
Messageboards" wrote:

I love WOR - it is one of the great reputable rascals of broadcasting.
But on this one I think they, or the good Kreskin, have a very good
press agent.

I recall many =FDears back when their tv arm was hauled up in front of
the FCC after it was discovered that the lab-coated professor
introduced as their science correspondent was in fact the unemployed
brother in law of the station's PD.

WOR is a bit like Sydney's 2GB and Auckland's 1ZB, and Los Angeles'
KNX. They've all kept more of their identity than many of the clone
radios these days, and I would cut them a lot of slack for that.

And they've been at it since 1922, so they are among our senior


(hard to imagine that there are radio stations around that are more
than 80 years old. Do they get a free library card and cheap doctor
visits, I wonder?)

KNX has a personality?

I mean besides Chris Stanley...