August 2nd 05, 08:07 AM
Franklin Jennings wrote:
I apologise if this is not the proper group, and will greatly appreciate
direction to the proper one.
I have just gotten into crystal sets after years away from the electronics
feild (studied at Nuke ET "A" School and FC "A" School in the Navy in
I would like to build the EconOceanic at
http://antiqueradio.org/econmain.htm but the plans call for a dual vari-cap
from an old superhet (using the RF section and Oscillator sections
seperately to tune through the five coil pairs.) But I cannot find this
vari-cap anywhere!
Here the designer shows the coverage of the various circuits in a graph. I
am quite rusty (I never really worked on Comm equipment, I am a gunfire
control technician by training) but if I understand this, I should be able
to tune all but the lowest frequencies (.50-.75 or so) without the RF
section cap (40-460pF). Again, IF I COMREHEND THIS PROPERLY, I should be
able to substitute a single 365pF vari-cap for the oscillator section,
ommitting the higher RF cap section, and tune all but the lowest BC
This is fine by me since I live five miles from WSB, the local blowtorch
transmitter siting at AM 750.
I just wanted to run my plans by the experts before I wind the two biggest
coil pairs for this radio.
If someone wants to take the time to answer, even via email, I'll be happy
to figure out how to ship a 6-pack of homemade apple cider in appreciation.
Alternatively, if someone can reccomend a different radio schematic that can
tune 5810, 5850, 9955, 9975, and 13615, that too would be appreciated.
(The above freqs are for EWTN broadcasts throughout the day and night.)
Franklin Jennings
There are plenty others if you dig a bit.
Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services