"Jim Warner" wrote in message
To the pool of skilled operators and technicians
excerpt Part 97)
Nearly every posting I place on this newsgroup, I receive an average of 40
requests for pictures from tirekickers and people who can only afford to
post my pictures on thier wannabe collector web pages. [snip]
As a public service to help prevent the above described folks from wasting
thier precious time, please don't waste mine by asking for pictures.
There's plenty of pictures on the net of every conceivable ham rig to
gawk at and drool over.
Jim, I'm not interested in "plenty of pictures" of something you offer: I
want to see what _you_ are selling.
I want to see if the shafts are straight, if there are any burn marks, if
the knobs are original, if the faceplate is worn or scratched, if the cane
metal has any unwanted holes in it, if the shorting plugs are still there,
if the shaft guide has shifted position, if the leads to the switch gangs
are twisted, and if there are obvious signs of neglect.
Your descriptions don't tell me that.
As for the lack of feedback, if you're waiting around for some buyer to
call, good luck. Tirekickers and time-wasters are part of the trade, so if
they bother you I suggest you develop a thicker skin. That's just business,
and you're running things like it's 1904, not 2004.
If you don't believe my descriptions, are unable to understand what you
read, or unable to articulate a query, don't blame public education, and
by all
means, PLEASE ignore my listings.
Consider it done: Plonk.