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Old August 4th 05, 02:11 AM
Jim Flanagan
Posts: n/a

k35454 wrote:
"Jim Flanagan" wrote in message
news Hello...
Does anyone have an old Miller data book with the data sheet for
the #612-W4 1.6MHz IF transformer. I am planning on replicating this
part in a homebrew receiver. Of course if anyone already has one of
these xfmrs in the junk box maybe we can deal!!

Any spec info would be VERY helpful, however...


I have a set of 3 Millers for the range 1400-1600. They are
sitting in an old converter that I built nearly 60 years ago. The numbers
are hard to read the way they are mounted, but one is definitely 912W3,
another looks like
912W4 and the third has the label close to and facing the front panel so I
would have to remove it from the chassis to get a reading.


Thanks Miki, however please don't go to any trouble. I am simply hoping
someone would have an old Miller catalog which would call out the filter
response specifications, etc. That would be good enough for me.
