K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
b.b. wrote:
All his knuckles are painful open wounds. No doubt he blames all
his own knuckle-biting on us...:-)
He is to be pitied.
Not by you, Brain.
by all of us
By "all of us" I assume you only mean you, Brain and Lennie.
and by hans and dave and ebveryone else
ASS-ume stevie
I guess you weren't reading very closely, Markie.
I didn't "assume" anything.
SOS, nobody reads closely except Steve.
As if the three of you "mattered"...?!?!
obviously we do esp to you
We are the foci of 99% of his attention, yet we don't matter! Hi!!!
Pull the other one.