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Old March 28th 04, 05:22 AM
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Default Charlotte Conference wrap-up

I'd like to thank everyone that came to Charlotte
to take part in the CC-AWA Annual Conference
over the last 3 days.
The weather was great, and the turn out was great.
If it wasn't the biggest show we've ever had, it was
pretty close. The parking lot where we have
the flea market has 197 spaces, there were
very few empty.
Thursday afternoon we had some really interesting programs,
Kirk Cline lead the first of what we plan to be an
annual Tube Collector's forum.
Dennis Osbourn, told us what an interesting
and useful piece of test equipment the RCA/Riders
Channalyst is.
Jim Bernard brought an entire collection of Zenith
transistor radios and told us all about their history.
Paul Farmer lead a panel discussion on the
philosophy of Restoration Vs Preservation.

Thursday evening, 33 of us took over most
of the Open Kitchen Italian restaurant, something
that has become a regular part of the conference.

Friday morning we were greeted by some absolutely
fabulous weather, blue sky and high that day of 77.
I saw lots of goodies being carried past the
registration tent on the way to the new owners
The Friday afternoon auction was filled with goodies,
and was followed by our annual banquet.

Saturday morning I got started a little early
with a on the air chat about the conference and
Saturday's up coming Radio Rescue with Don Russell the morning man on WBT
It must have worked because I talked to at least a
dozen folks that heard it and came to see what
was going on, three of them brought radios for
Radio Rescue, all of which found new owners.
The Radio Rescue auction also includes items
from conference attendees. A good number of the items
were donated to help raise money for the club.

The conference was wrapped up this afternoon
with our annual Saturday luncheon.

This year, 2004 is 25 years since the Charlotte
group hosted our first AWA Southeast meet
in 1979, and 10 years continuously at the Sheraton hotel.

Many thanks to all the folks that attended and
all the really special ones that worked so hard
to help make it happen.

73, Ron

C.R."Ron"Lawrence KC4YOY
Antique Radio Collector & Historian

POBox 3015
Matthews, NC 28106-3015
704-289-1166 (home)

Radio Collection Web Page,
Clough-Brengle equipment web page
CC-AWA Web Page,