Today's Scorecard in the NCTA v. PCTA Amateur Championships!
As of the of the day in DC on 3 Aug 05, WT Docket 05-235
Comments a
Total 575
In-Between/Dupes 54*
Against Elimination 129
For Elimination 392
* In-betweeners are those "following" the ARRL plan to scrap code
testing for all but Extras, therefore with feetses in both camps.
In that group also are duplicate Comments and a few who wish a
higher morse rate for all below 30 MHz! Excluded are the "joke"
comments with names and given mailing addresses which are
obviously phony.
Note: The DATE RECEIVED block on the ECFS Search Listings is
running on Eastern time zone and the calendar date for all
Comments is set accordingly.
To date, the NCTA:PCTA ratio is 392:129 or 3.1:1 ratio. The
number of "in-betweener" Comments has increased markedly over
the second week of Comments. To double-check that, I went
through the entire "Against" Comments collection prior to 3
August and adjusted them and the "In-betweeners" accordingly.
Stay tuned. This was only Day 11 of Comments; there are 64
more days before the official end of shouting and hollering.
did dah