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  #7   Report Post  
Old August 5th 05, 07:34 AM
Posts: n/a


Unless something has really changed, you shouldn't be so negative about
hearing SW on a crystal set.

About 1958, on a simple xtal set (antenna, coil, capacitor, diode, phones)
although I don't remember the exact stations (Quito and Radio Moscow?), I
do remember hearing LOUD shortwave signals. At the time, my antenna was
the top strand of a barbed-wire fence on wooden posts (length UNknown,
but probably less that a couple-hundred feet) and the ground was the guy-
wire to our house's power pole.

Unfortunately, things /really/ have changed in the intervening years. The
shortwave bands have become /much/ more crowded, and the general noise
levels have increased radically - almost /every/ piece of domestic or
commercial electronics radiates RF noise these days.


Everything gets easier with practice, except getting up in the morning!