Comments to the FCC on WT 05-235
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August 6th 05, 05:16 PM
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From: "an old friend" on Thurs 4 Aug 2005 09:14
K4YZ wrote:
b.b. wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
Here's my submission to the FCC.
Can we have just post our comments here and take the editorials to
other threads, Ladies and Gentlemen?
Uh huh.
About what I expected and whom I expected it from. Pretty much
substantiates my claims about who pulls threads into rants, etc etc
if by that you mean that some folks like myself will not allow you to
control the newsgroup then of course you are right
Stebie has a terrible NEED to control others and acts like all
his diagreers are the Antichrist, spawn of satan, or evil
incarnate come to bedevil HIM, the DILL Instructor of this
murine corpse. :-)
Like the Dems, he thinks he's in control....(can't even control his own
I love Stebie's opening "salutation" to the FCC on WT Docket
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Commission, Greetings,
Geez, Stebie is giving a SPEECH for an assembled group! :-)
He steps up to the podium, adjusts the microphone, takes a
sip of water, opens his speech text copy notebook and beings
to SPEAK! [poor guy didn't get any thunderous applause when
he was finished...snif, snif...]
Welp, he've been saying since the last millenium that he's
At 445 12th St. S.W. in DC is someone at a desk, using a
workstation, pulling down incoming Comments on WT Docket
05-235 at an average rate of about 52 a day...and Stebie
thinks he is making a SPEECH! Gotta love the immense EGO
on the DILL Instructor with the askew campaign hat. Like
the FCC folks love "getting SPOKEN to?" :-)
Steve has the ability to make friends wherever he goes. NOT!
If Bill Cross had the FCC making a decision contrary to what
Stebie wants, Stebie would probably yell "Get down and gimme
ten!" at him. :-)
Ve are all Putzes in da ghetto while Stebie is up on the roof
vid his fiddle, playing while his mind burns. Shalom!
oye veh
Whatta kook.
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