K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
I repeat MY question....What makes you think I'd hazard my freedom
for a putz like you..?!?!
the fact you act like you are nuts enough to do it
Stop and think about this for a second, Markie...
On the one hand you claim I am "nuts enough to do it" , suggesting
that I'd actually perpetrate an act of violence against you...
sure are if I were closer
If I wanted to do you violence, Markie, it wouldn't matter if you
were across the street or across the country.
sure sure more stavie bluster
Yet here you are stirring the pot.
showing what you were trying was blackmail
I never tried to "blackmail" you.
You need to whip out a legal dictionary and read what constitutes
"blackmail", Markie.
it is mading a demand for gain for a target under threat
your actions quailify
you continue to black mail me
If I thought someone was a potential threat to myself or my family,
the LAST thing I'd do is get in their face!
I choose to balcane the risks verus not alowing a terroist such as
yourself to silence me
speling cop cut
The sum of it is that your own suggestion that you're in any danger
from me is ludicrous, as I have been saying for years.
Not when you keep making threats
I haven't made any threats.
"one shot one kill..." Is a threat
Threating to speak to Todds folks is a threat
you are a low level danger
So NOW you're saying you HAVE been lying about any danger to you
and your "family".
nope I am saying you have prooven you mostly make threats without
backing em up\
Wether od not you ever had any intention on caring out your threats has
nothing to do your making them
You simply make Idles(so far) threats, but you make threats often
terorists and balckmailer need to be resited when possible
There's no terrorists or blackmailers here, Markie.
spelling cop cut
yep there is his name is Steve Robeson
In your IMAGINATION maybe...but not in reality.
It is you being stupid to even type that
And it's even more idiotic for a putz like to you keep repeating it
when it was so obviously NOT a threat then OR now!
bull#### it was a threat...(SNIP)
cuting a lie
cuting another lie
(UNSNIP)....foruately one you have havne't carried out,
but one you keep repeating, such as your threat to come to the UP
I don't "keep repeating" any threat. YOU keep repeating it.
you keep making threats of various sorts
yes you do you threatened Tood I saw that, you conitue to threaten me,
idly it seems but you continue
and you lie about it
threats to call a prosecuter for my lying online, threats to came to
the UP where I live, threats against Todd, and Len and Brain
What threats?
your threats
cuting stevie evasion
What evasion?
your evasion
You keep making accusations that I ask you to substantiate.
yes you do, overlooking the fact it has been done in many case Years
ago, and repaeted again and again
cuting another stevie evasion distrotion
yes I would rather take a threat more seriously than t deserves than
have my family and friends end up dead, any real man would see that
Any real man would stop perpetuating a story that was a lie when
he stated it and is a lie 7 years later.
then stop Stevie
Stop what?
stop making new threats
WHAT new threats?
threaten you come to the UP
threatening action with various parties
stop harassing people
I'm not harrassing people.
You post, I respond. Period.
Sorry you don't like the comments, but then the comments I was
responding to were pretty stupid to start with, so what did you expect?
liar you are not a bit sorry
why do you tell such obvious lies
"First Ammendment", Markie...
you don't have any right to threaten peoplethe 1st amendment does cover
You're the one with the honesty issues...said so yourslef on
numerous occassions.
stop making threats stopp harassing folks
I'm doing neither.
you keep doing it you lying SoS
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...here's the anger...Can't get your way so let's
go back to insinuating profanites....
not realy you are a lying sack of ****, just calling you on it
been doing it for years
cuting stvie distoring context
threats harrasment trying to intimadate people
Your "threats" to "sue" were never deemed even remotely plausible.
never made one
I have pointed that you are vulernable to one, never threatened to do
it you have got anything worth talking
and of plausible to whom? You well that is more than likely right, a
real crout that is another matter
Your semi-literate dreck can be considered "harrassing" in it's
own way.
really someone is making you read it?
And people like you never "intimadate" anyone. Humor them,
not trying to intimadateI would not horn on your territory steve, not
that you arre any good at it
You've rendered more than your fair share of laughs here!
Steve, K4YZ