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Old August 6th 05, 06:15 PM
an old friend
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

I repeat MY question....What makes you think I'd hazard my freedom
for a putz like you..?!?!

the fact you act like you are nuts enough to do it

Stop and think about this for a second, Markie...

On the one hand you claim I am "nuts enough to do it" , suggesting
that I'd actually perpetrate an act of violence against you...

sure are if I were closer

If I wanted to do you violence, Markie, it wouldn't matter if you
were across the street or across the country.

more bluster and with your pattern threatening behavoir as well

Yet here you are stirring the pot.

showing what you were trying was blackmail

I never tried to "blackmail" you.


You need to whip out a legal dictionary and read what constitutes
"blackmail", Markie.

perhaps you should try it but then you lie even to yourself about what
you are doing so you can't understand

If I thought someone was a potential threat to myself or my family,
the LAST thing I'd do is get in their face!

I choose to balcane the risks verus not alowing a terroist such as
yourself to silence me

cuting speling cop

The sum of it is that your own suggestion that you're in any danger
from me is ludicrous, as I have been saying for years.

Not when you keep making threats

I haven't made any threats.

"one shot one kill.. is a threat you made it so by the aove statement
you are a liar

you are a low level danger

So NOW you're saying you HAVE been lying about any danger to you
and your "family".

no merely adknowing that you porven yourself a maker of idle threats,
just a school yard bully, moderately dangerous but I can handle that

that you take a state saying "you are a low level danger" and twist it
into So NOW you're saying you HAVE been lying about any danger to you
and your "family"." is truely amazing

but for the beifit of people you may bedazzled with your bull****,
(truely bull**** is the politest term for what you do Stevie)

I took you for a major threat then, now I see you a minor bully

wether you ever intended harm to me or were just Bluffing doesn't

you threatened

I took such measures then as I saw fit and i take such measures NOW as
I see , that my threat assess ment of you has changed not with standing

you nonsense that you had no intention of carring out your threats
does not alter the fact that ANY ressonable person may consider the
phrase "one shot, One kill, even in ILLIOPOLIS" a threat when directed
at a person living in that town

that I don't see you as much danger today and therefore It is safe
enough today to simply volley back at you does not alter the facts you
fraidten me and my family is action those years ago

you are a terrorist

pruning the thread back