b.b. wrote:
From: "an old friend" on Thurs 4 Aug 2005 09:14
K4YZ wrote:
b.b. wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
Here's my submission to the FCC.
Steve has the ability to make friends wherever he goes. NOT!
not true BB he does have the ability to make friends where ever he
goes, he has made me several in Tennese last time I got a good 6m
opening to there, I heard some of the chating about anaying over
bearing extras, stevies call came indeed one hams said of him and I
quote (stevie)... "is Papa Oscar Serria"
we laughed and he made me a friend
If Bill Cross had the FCC making a decision contrary to what
Stebie wants, Stebie would probably yell "Get down and gimme
ten!" at him. :-)
Ve are all Putzes in da ghetto while Stebie is up on the roof
vid his fiddle, playing while his mind burns. Shalom!
oye veh
Whatta kook.