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Old September 8th 03, 07:51 PM
Cecil Moore
Posts: n/a
Default Ligntning protection question

Dick Carroll; wrote:
Well stated. Some authorities insist that grounding a tower/building just attracts
lightning, but that hasn't been the case here. After some 20 years of standing on this
hilltop, my 60 ft Rohn25 with 10 feet of mast and a 5/8 wave two meter vertical topping
that still hasn't been hit, though several times I sure thought it had, from the proximity
of the strike.

And in 50 years of ungrounded antennas, mine have never been hit
even though I have lived in some of the highest lightning areas.

As an aside: I have an antenna farm on my lot. The last thing lightning
hit was a five foot tall live oak tree, the shortest thing on my lot.
Lightning is like a 400 pound gorilla. Where does a 400 pound gorilla
go? Anywhere it wants. The fact that there is a difference of opinion
among experts about lightning only proves how puny human efforts are
in the face of Mother Nature.
73, Cecil

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