Oops. I see the Hamtronics 6M to 10M receive converters are only sold
as assembled units, so you don't have to worry about getting the crystal
on frequency! The have obviously redesigned the converters since they
now use surface mount technology. Still wish they offered them in kit
form as I'm not scared of surface mounting anymore...building a 10 GHz
transverter right now and it hasn't been that tough. However, I need to
keep up the allergy medication so I don't sneeze!
Scott wrote:
Try http://www.hamtronics.com and scroll down the menu bar on the left
side to Receiving & Xmtg Converters and then select VHF & UHF Receiving
Converters. These will listen to any mode (AM,FM,SSB,CW,PSK31,etc.)
that your I.F. rig can copy. I've built many Hamtronics kits over the
years and they are simple and tune up with a voltmeter. A frequency
counter might be nice to get the oscillator exactly on frequency, but it
probably isn't absolutely necessary.
Andy Ball wrote:
RAMSEY and TENTEC might be two sources...
Thanks. Ramsey have 10m and 6m RX kits, but they're FM and
the beacons that I was hoping to hear transmit CW. I have a
TenTec kit, but it's more complex than I had hoped and I'm
told that it will work better on 80m or 40m than 10m, so I
will probably build it for 40m when I eventually pluck up
the courage (and source a nice vernier for the tuning).
- Andy, KB9YLW